
AGAINST nuclear power

FOR nuclear power

ane. IT'S Dangerous AND EXPENSIVE

The 2011 Fukushima disaster showed the globe that nuclear power is clearly fundamentally unsafe. The meltdown at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant was the worst since Chernobyl in Ukraine, 25 years before. Public investment in nuclear energy far out-strips investment in renewables. Nuclear plants are as well expensive to set upward and decommission, and the costs of storing radioactive waste material (effectively indefinitely) also take to be considered. If the money pumped into nuclear had been spent on renewables, then the pay-off would take been much greater per-euro invested.


The technology IS rubber, and information technology's getting safer. Fukushima was an erstwhile constitute, and the latest generation of nuclear reactor designs are much less probable to meltdown. In adddition, earthquakes and tsunamis of the sort that caused the Fukushima disaster are much less common in Europe.


Renewables are ready to take over from nuclear. In fact, we could be producing 100% of our energy from renewables past 2050, and the engineering science is already ready for market – peculiarly if the subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear are cut. Furthermore, if we don't start using renewable now then we may never brand the switch, so this is the gamble to take that first stride.

two. Climatic change

We need to use all of the energy sources nosotros have, because renewables aren't nonetheless able to accept over from nuclear power. The alternatives to nuclear are coal and natural gas – including unconventional gas resources – and these would exist (over the long-run) much more polluting and damaging than nuclear.


Fifty-fifty now, Islamic republic of iran is developing a civilian nuclear program that analysts warn could be used for a covert nuclear weapons adequacy. Iran says it needs nuclear power to guarantee its energy security, and Europe's diplomatic efforts to convince it otherwise would exist much easier if it could be demonstrated that civilian nuclear energy was unnecessary. If Europe really wants a nuclear-complimentary globe, then information technology has to commit to abandoning nuclear engineering completely.


Nuclear fusion would, potentially, solve all of our energy needs. Information technology's a valuable surface area of enquiry that could guarantee abundant clean free energy, then it's worth investing in the technology, continuing to employ it and not abandoning it.

IMAGE CREDITS: CC / Flickr – TruthOut